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more from this userreview by krispyx2
This was an entertaining and quick read. Although there were a few shaky spots, overall, the story was well developed. I look forward to reading the next installment.
review by jamiface
If you're looking for a light, fun read without too much substance, this would be an entertaining choice. I found myself pleased with the shorter length as it honestly felt a bit shallow at times, but Aphrodite and Loki were highly entertaining in their interactions and the sex scenes were ...
review by Tapsalteerie
Not my normal genre but a light and easy read. I could see this as a good beach read. Exploring the modern foibles of nearly forgotten gods and their... escapades. Aphrodite finds satisfaction after a century or mere human lovers while helping Loki solve supernatural crimes for more than just ...
review by Dhelmken88
Let me start by saying thank you for allowing me to read and review your work! This will be my first review with this site, so I thank you for the opportunity! What I'll post on other sites: "If you're looking for a book that's light, quick, and steamy, "The ...
review by CynAyala23
By Cynthia Ayala The Maenad of Manhattan by Liz Meldon Smashwords The Maenad of Manhattan by Liz Meldon Smashwords Ancient Greece is long gone, their popularity dwindling, the Old Gods have scattered around the globe, their power fading. But, luckily for Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, she remains ...
review by pabu_reads
Unfortunately, I didn't know that this title was a novella. I prefer a more immersive reading experience than novellas and short stories can supply. That being said, Meldon incorporated the right amount of fantasy into modern-day Manhattan and Aphrodite is an excellently written protagonist! Her interactions with the reader and ...