a review of The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky by Pennyolson

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An intriguing thought provoking fantasy

I enjoyed reading this book. The premise was really interesting in that the world is divided into two countries: the spiritual/religious one called the Blessed Lands and the scientific/reason based one called The Republic. There is no middle ground. Kailani, an apparent refugee from the Blessed lands, washes up on the shore of the Republic and is befriended by two young adults, Helena and Jason. Kailani has a strong influence on the people she meets in the Republic and her story is left as a mystery until the very end of the book. This book explores a lot of issues such as grief, spirituality, misunderstanding and miscommunication between countries and groups of people. It is well written and very thought provoking. The only weakness I found was that the relationship between the main characters, Helena and Jason, seemed weak. Overall, I recommend this book, especially for book clubs that like good discussions.