Join the Wolf Pack!

Hi there! Thanks for the opportunity to read and review your work!

Here's what I'll be posting on other sites:
"READ THIS BOOK. If you love the post-apocalyptic genre, READ THIS BOOK. If you like heart-pumping action, READ THIS BOOK. If you like unconventional romance that doesn't drive the whole story, READ THIS BOOK. If you like monsters that go munch in the night, READ THIS BOOK. If you don't want to wait for the umpteenth million installment of a series to find out what happens to your favorite character, READ THIS BOOK.

Alianna Donnelly has written a book that revitalizes dystopian fiction. Using both narrative and third person point-of-views, you get a full look into how the world she's created shapes and molds her characters. You get to experience the realization that there is more to the current world than meets the eye, and watch as characters grow into their own, learning of the past and how it will shape their futures.

I'd recommend this book for anyone who may wonder what could happen if the government were to lose control of some of their most secretive and dangerous experiments, and as a result, set in motion the end of times as we know them. I'd recommend it to anyone who's ever wondered where and if they will ever fit in. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to be reminded of what it's like to find home, and learn that it's not a place, but the people you are with.

This book will make you feel things. I laughed, cried, screamed, and panicked with Aiden, Bryce, Sinna, and Desiree. And I hope you do too!"

Simply put, I loved your book. I can't wait to brag about it to my friends. Thank you so much. :)